Our Vision

SMEs represent 98.9% of all contracting firms in the Canadian construction Industry.

SMEs generate a turnover that accounts for 63% of the entire construction market.

However, digital fabrication is too expensive for SMEs, which make up 90%+ of the construction industry. As a result, SMEs are unable to benefit from the benefits of digital fabrication, which include the following:

  • Reduced CO2 footprint (the construction industry accounts for ~40% of global CO2 emissions)
  • Decreased need for skilled labor
  • Integration of complex workflows (involving labor, machinery, software, hardware, and materials)
Picture of Our Vision section on About Us page

Our Solution

MIToolbox offers robots as a service inside cost efficient, easy-to-deploy micro-scale factories.

MIToolbox aims to future-proof the construction trades, diversify the industry and make it more inclusive. Our proposition includes the hardware, software and a micro credential training program. By digitizing onsite construction, we up-skill local labour, use local materials, incentivize young talent to enter an industry otherwise seen as outdated, contribute to local economies, and enable more people to enter the industry. Additionally, it reduces the costs (economic and ecologic) associated with transporting large volumetric materials.

Our Strategy

MIToolbox is working with The University of Calgary and the City of Calgary in a multi-year project to develop and provide micro-factories for the renovation and repurposing of the City Downtown and residential conversions. In addition, MIToolbox anticipates expanding in Central/Latin America and North America by a total of ~$1.3 trillion market size.

Picture of Our Strategy section on About Us page
Picture of Factory-In-A-Box on About Us page
Picture of bench made by hot-wire cutting on About Us page
Picture of Calgary downtown on About Us page

Meet the team

Alicia Nahmad

CEO & Founder
